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The history of traditional bags can be traced back to the 18th century, when they became popular in many regions of Europe and especially in Germany. Here is a brief historical development of the traditional bags:

Samtbörse aus dem Besitz von König Ludwig I. von Bayern (1825-1848). Seidensamt, Metallstickerei, Seidenatlas, Posamentenarbeit, Silberbügel. München um 1840-1850

18th century: Trachten bags were worn in many regions of Germany and were often made of linen or cotton. They were decorated with embroidery or beads and had a simple rectangular shape.

19th century: In the second half of the 19th century, traditional bags were increasingly made of leather and decorated with traditional motifs such as buckskin, edelweiss or flowers. The shapes became more complex and varied according to region and social status.

20th century: During the 20th century, the popularity of traditional costume bags declined as fashion changed and modern bags such as handbags and backpacks emerged. However, in some regions of Germany, Tracht bags remained as part of traditional clothing.

Today: in recent years, Trachtentaschen have experienced a revival as traditional costume has become popular again and many young people are once again interested in traditional clothing. Modern traditional costume bags are made of leather or fabrics such as felt or velvet and are decorated with traditional embroidery and motifs. There is also a wide variety of shapes and sizes to suit the needs and preferences of the wearers.

Overall, traditional costume bags have evolved and changed over time, but they remain an important part of traditional dress in many regions of Germany and are now popular with many people outside these regions as well.

Dirndlblüte© is the only luxury label for handmade traditional bags from Germany. Each unique piece is made by master craftsmen in the former leather stronghold of Germany. The bags bear names of famous women of the Bavarian monarchy and are just as special. You can find our Trachtentaschen and Dirndltaschen here.


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